cupy.cuda.compile_with_cache() 함수는 더 이상 사용할 수 없으며, CuPy v10에서 이미 사용 중단(deprecated) 상태였고, 이제는 완전히 제거된 것으로 보인다. 따라서 해당 기능을 사용하는 코드를 수정하여 RawModule 또는 RawKernel API로 마이그레이션해야 합니다.
LiteFlowNet의 수정
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cupy
import math
import re
import torch
kernel_Correlation_rearrange = '''
extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_rearrange(
const int n,
const float* input,
float* output
) {
int intIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
if (intIndex >= n) {
int intSample = blockIdx.z;
int intChannel = blockIdx.y;
float fltValue = input[(((intSample * SIZE_1(input)) + intChannel) * SIZE_2(input) * SIZE_3(input)) + intIndex];
int intPaddedY = (intIndex / SIZE_3(input)) + 3*{{intStride}};
int intPaddedX = (intIndex % SIZE_3(input)) + 3*{{intStride}};
int intRearrange = ((SIZE_3(input) + 6*{{intStride}}) * intPaddedY) + intPaddedX;
output[(((intSample * SIZE_1(output) * SIZE_2(output)) + intRearrange) * SIZE_1(input)) + intChannel] = fltValue;
kernel_Correlation_updateOutput = '''
extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_updateOutput(
const int n,
const float* rbot0,
const float* rbot1,
float* top
) {
extern __shared__ char patch_data_char[];
float *patch_data = (float *)patch_data_char;
// First (upper left) position of kernel upper-left corner in current center position of neighborhood in image 1
int x1 = (blockIdx.x + 3) * {{intStride}};
int y1 = (blockIdx.y + 3) * {{intStride}};
int item = blockIdx.z;
int ch_off = threadIdx.x;
// Load 3D patch into shared shared memory
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { // HEIGHT
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // WIDTH
int ji_off = (j + i) * SIZE_3(rbot0);
for (int ch = ch_off; ch < SIZE_3(rbot0); ch += 32) { // CHANNELS
int idx1 = ((item * SIZE_1(rbot0) + y1+j) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + x1+i) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + ch;
int idxPatchData = ji_off + ch;
patch_data[idxPatchData] = rbot0[idx1];
__shared__ float sum[32];
// Compute correlation
for (int top_channel = 0; top_channel < SIZE_1(top); top_channel++) {
sum[ch_off] = 0;
int s2o = (top_channel % 7 - 3) * {{intStride}};
int s2p = (top_channel / 7 - 3) * {{intStride}};
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { // HEIGHT
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // WIDTH
int ji_off = (j + i) * SIZE_3(rbot0);
for (int ch = ch_off; ch < SIZE_3(rbot0); ch += 32) { // CHANNELS
int x2 = x1 + s2o;
int y2 = y1 + s2p;
int idxPatchData = ji_off + ch;
int idx2 = ((item * SIZE_1(rbot0) + y2+j) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + x2+i) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + ch;
sum[ch_off] += patch_data[idxPatchData] * rbot1[idx2];
if (ch_off == 0) {
float total_sum = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx++) {
total_sum += sum[idx];
const int sumelems = SIZE_3(rbot0);
const int index = ((top_channel*SIZE_2(top) + blockIdx.y)*SIZE_3(top))+blockIdx.x;
top[index + item*SIZE_1(top)*SIZE_2(top)*SIZE_3(top)] = total_sum / (float)sumelems;
kernel_Correlation_updateGradOne = '''
#define ROUND_OFF 50000
extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_updateGradOne(
const int n,
const int intSample,
const float* rbot0,
const float* rbot1,
const float* gradOutput,
float* gradOne,
float* gradTwo
) { for (int intIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; intIndex < n; intIndex += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
int n = intIndex % SIZE_1(gradOne); // channels
int l = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradOne)) % SIZE_3(gradOne) + 3*{{intStride}}; // w-pos
int m = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradOne) / SIZE_3(gradOne)) % SIZE_2(gradOne) + 3*{{intStride}}; // h-pos
// round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers
// We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative.
const int round_off = ROUND_OFF;
const int round_off_s1 = {{intStride}} * round_off;
// We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it, to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior:
int xmin = (l - 3*{{intStride}} + round_off_s1 - 1) / {{intStride}} + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 3*{{intStride}}) / {{intStride}}
int ymin = (m - 3*{{intStride}} + round_off_s1 - 1) / {{intStride}} + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 3*{{intStride}}) / {{intStride}}
// Same here:
int xmax = (l - 3*{{intStride}} + round_off_s1) / {{intStride}} - round_off; // floor (l - 3*{{intStride}}) / {{intStride}}
int ymax = (m - 3*{{intStride}} + round_off_s1) / {{intStride}} - round_off; // floor (m - 3*{{intStride}}) / {{intStride}}
float sum = 0;
if (xmax>=0 && ymax>=0 && (xmin<=SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1) && (ymin<=SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1)) {
xmin = max(0,xmin);
xmax = min(SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1,xmax);
ymin = max(0,ymin);
ymax = min(SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1,ymax);
for (int p = -3; p <= 3; p++) {
for (int o = -3; o <= 3; o++) {
// Get rbot1 data:
int s2o = {{intStride}} * o;
int s2p = {{intStride}} * p;
int idxbot1 = ((intSample * SIZE_1(rbot0) + (m+s2p)) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + (l+s2o)) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + n;
float bot1tmp = rbot1[idxbot1]; // rbot1[l+s2o,m+s2p,n]
// Index offset for gradOutput in following loops:
int op = (p+3) * 7 + (o+3); // index[o,p]
int idxopoffset = (intSample * SIZE_1(gradOutput) + op);
for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
int idxgradOutput = (idxopoffset * SIZE_2(gradOutput) + y) * SIZE_3(gradOutput) + x; // gradOutput[x,y,o,p]
sum += gradOutput[idxgradOutput] * bot1tmp;
const int sumelems = SIZE_1(gradOne);
const int bot0index = ((n * SIZE_2(gradOne)) + (m-3*{{intStride}})) * SIZE_3(gradOne) + (l-3*{{intStride}});
gradOne[bot0index + intSample*SIZE_1(gradOne)*SIZE_2(gradOne)*SIZE_3(gradOne)] = sum / (float)sumelems;
} }
kernel_Correlation_updateGradTwo = '''
#define ROUND_OFF 50000
extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_updateGradTwo(
const int n,
const int intSample,
const float* rbot0,
const float* rbot1,
const float* gradOutput,
float* gradOne,
float* gradTwo
) { for (int intIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; intIndex < n; intIndex += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
int n = intIndex % SIZE_1(gradTwo); // channels
int l = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradTwo)) % SIZE_3(gradTwo) + 3*{{intStride}}; // w-pos
int m = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradTwo) / SIZE_3(gradTwo)) % SIZE_2(gradTwo) + 3*{{intStride}}; // h-pos
// round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers
// We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative.
const int round_off = ROUND_OFF;
const int round_off_s1 = {{intStride}} * round_off;
float sum = 0;
for (int p = -3; p <= 3; p++) {
for (int o = -3; o <= 3; o++) {
int s2o = {{intStride}} * o;
int s2p = {{intStride}} * p;
//Get X,Y ranges and clamp
// We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it, to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior:
int xmin = (l - 3*{{intStride}} - s2o + round_off_s1 - 1) / {{intStride}} + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 3*{{intStride}} - s2o) / {{intStride}}
int ymin = (m - 3*{{intStride}} - s2p + round_off_s1 - 1) / {{intStride}} + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 3*{{intStride}} - s2o) / {{intStride}}
// Same here:
int xmax = (l - 3*{{intStride}} - s2o + round_off_s1) / {{intStride}} - round_off; // floor (l - 3*{{intStride}} - s2o) / {{intStride}}
int ymax = (m - 3*{{intStride}} - s2p + round_off_s1) / {{intStride}} - round_off; // floor (m - 3*{{intStride}} - s2p) / {{intStride}}
if (xmax>=0 && ymax>=0 && (xmin<=SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1) && (ymin<=SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1)) {
xmin = max(0,xmin);
xmax = min(SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1,xmax);
ymin = max(0,ymin);
ymax = min(SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1,ymax);
// Get rbot0 data:
int idxbot0 = ((intSample * SIZE_1(rbot0) + (m-s2p)) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + (l-s2o)) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + n;
float bot0tmp = rbot0[idxbot0]; // rbot1[l+s2o,m+s2p,n]
// Index offset for gradOutput in following loops:
int op = (p+3) * 7 + (o+3); // index[o,p]
int idxopoffset = (intSample * SIZE_1(gradOutput) + op);
for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
int idxgradOutput = (idxopoffset * SIZE_2(gradOutput) + y) * SIZE_3(gradOutput) + x; // gradOutput[x,y,o,p]
sum += gradOutput[idxgradOutput] * bot0tmp;
const int sumelems = SIZE_1(gradTwo);
const int bot1index = ((n * SIZE_2(gradTwo)) + (m-3*{{intStride}})) * SIZE_3(gradTwo) + (l-3*{{intStride}});
gradTwo[bot1index + intSample*SIZE_1(gradTwo)*SIZE_2(gradTwo)*SIZE_3(gradTwo)] = sum / (float)sumelems;
} }
def cupy_kernel(strFunction, objVariables):
strKernel = globals()[strFunction].replace('{{intStride}}', str(objVariables['intStride']))
while True:
objMatch ='(SIZE_)([0-4])(\()([^\)]*)(\))', strKernel)
if objMatch is None:
intArg = int(
strTensor =
intSizes = objVariables[strTensor].size()
strKernel = strKernel.replace(, str(intSizes[intArg] if not torch.is_tensor(intSizes[intArg]) else intSizes[intArg].item()))
while True:
objMatch ='(VALUE_)([0-4])(\()([^\)]+)(\))', strKernel)
if objMatch is None:
intArgs = int(
strArgs =',')
strTensor = strArgs[0]
intStrides = objVariables[strTensor].stride()
strIndex = [ '((' + strArgs[intArg + 1].replace('{', '(').replace('}', ')').strip() + ')*' + str(intStrides[intArg] if not torch.is_tensor(intStrides[intArg]) else intStrides[intArg].item()) + ')' for intArg in range(intArgs) ]
strKernel = strKernel.replace(, strTensor + '[' + str.join('+', strIndex) + ']')
return strKernel
# end
def cupy_launch(strFunction, strKernel):
module = cupy.RawModule(code=strKernel, backend='nvrtc')
return module.get_function(strFunction)
# end
class _FunctionCorrelation(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(self, one, two, intStride):
rbot0 = one.new_zeros([one.shape[0], one.shape[2] + (6 * intStride), one.shape[3] + (6 * intStride), one.shape[1]])
rbot1 = one.new_zeros([one.shape[0], one.shape[2] + (6 * intStride), one.shape[3] + (6 * intStride), one.shape[1]])
self.intStride = intStride
one = one.contiguous(); assert(one.is_cuda == True)
two = two.contiguous(); assert(two.is_cuda == True)
output = one.new_zeros([one.shape[0], 49, int(math.ceil(one.shape[2] / intStride)), int(math.ceil(one.shape[3] / intStride))])
if one.is_cuda == True:
n = one.shape[2] * one.shape[3]
cupy_launch('kernel_Correlation_rearrange', cupy_kernel('kernel_Correlation_rearrange', {
'intStride': self.intStride,
'input': one,
'output': rbot0
(int((n + 16 - 1) / 16), one.shape[1], one.shape[0]), (16, 1, 1),
(cupy.int32(n), one.data_ptr(), rbot0.data_ptr())
n = two.shape[2] * two.shape[3]
cupy_launch('kernel_Correlation_rearrange', cupy_kernel('kernel_Correlation_rearrange', {
'intStride': self.intStride,
'input': two,
'output': rbot1
(int((n + 16 - 1) / 16), two.shape[1], two.shape[0]), (16, 1, 1),
(cupy.int32(n), two.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr())
n = output.shape[1] * output.shape[2] * output.shape[3]
cupy_launch('kernel_Correlation_updateOutput', cupy_kernel('kernel_Correlation_updateOutput', {
'intStride': self.intStride,
'rbot0': rbot0,
'rbot1': rbot1,
'top': output
(output.shape[3], output.shape[2], output.shape[0]), (32, 1, 1),
(cupy.int32(n), rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), output.data_ptr())
self.save_for_backward(one, two, rbot0, rbot1)
return output
# end
def backward(self, gradOutput):
one, two, rbot0, rbot1 = self.saved_tensors
gradOutput = gradOutput.contiguous(); assert(gradOutput.is_cuda == True)
gradOne = one.new_zeros([ one.shape[0], one.shape[1], one.shape[2], one.shape[3] ]) if self.needs_input_grad[0] == True else None
gradTwo = one.new_zeros([ one.shape[0], one.shape[1], one.shape[2], one.shape[3] ]) if self.needs_input_grad[1] == True else None
if one.is_cuda == True:
if gradOne is not None:
for intSample in range(one.shape[0]):
n = one.shape[1] * one.shape[2] * one.shape[3]
cupy_launch('kernel_Correlation_updateGradOne', cupy_kernel('kernel_Correlation_updateGradOne', {
'intStride': self.intStride,
'rbot0': rbot0,
'rbot1': rbot1,
'gradOutput': gradOutput,
'gradOne': gradOne,
'gradTwo': None
grid=tuple([ int((n + 512 - 1) / 512), 1, 1 ]),
block=tuple([ 512, 1, 1 ]),
args=[ cupy.int32(n), intSample, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), gradOutput.data_ptr(), gradOne.data_ptr(), None ]
# end
# end
if gradTwo is not None:
for intSample in range(one.shape[0]):
n = one.shape[1] * one.shape[2] * one.shape[3]
cupy_launch('kernel_Correlation_updateGradTwo', cupy_kernel('kernel_Correlation_updateGradTwo', {
'intStride': self.intStride,
'rbot0': rbot0,
'rbot1': rbot1,
'gradOutput': gradOutput,
'gradOne': None,
'gradTwo': gradTwo
grid=tuple([ int((n + 512 - 1) / 512), 1, 1 ]),
block=tuple([ 512, 1, 1 ]),
args=[ cupy.int32(n), intSample, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), gradOutput.data_ptr(), None, gradTwo.data_ptr() ]
# end
# end
elif one.is_cuda == False:
raise NotImplementedError()
# end
return gradOne, gradTwo, None
# end
# end
def FunctionCorrelation(tenOne, tenTwo, intStride):
return _FunctionCorrelation.apply(tenOne, tenTwo, intStride)
# end
class ModuleCorrelation(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
# end
def forward(self, tenOne, tenTwo, intStride):
return _FunctionCorrelation.apply(tenOne, tenTwo, intStride)
# end
# end